I first ”met” Carrie Schmidt in Seekerville and as an organizer of the Christian Fiction Readers’ Retreat. She is the owner of the popular Reading is My SuperPower blog and co-owner and founder of JustRead Publicity Tours. Now she’s entered the author realm as the one of the authors of a writers’ toolbox book…. Getting Past the Publishing Gatekeepers…. to help aspiring authors break into the world of publishing while also sharing valuable insights for published writers. Her section describes how to reach readers….a perfect area for her to point writers toward the keys of successfully opening the doors of readers’ hearts.



Carrie graciously answered a few questions about her new writing and publishing experience.

SHERIDA: Since my blog features teatime, do you prefer coffee, tea or something else? What do you like as a treat with your beverage of choice? 

CARRIE: Ooooo…. do I have to give up my author card if I don’t like either coffee or tea? I’m really more of a diet Coke kinda gal with an occasional Snapple Apple drink or hot chocolate, depending on the temps outside. And as for a treat, I’m a fan of baked goods in just about any form – scones, muffins, cake, brownies… with my diet Coke of course to cancel out the calories. Hahaha!

SHERIDA: With all you are involved in, your life is already quite busy. I know you were reluctant to take on the task of writing a section of this book. What nudged you to accept the challenge? 

CARRIE: A couple of things… First – and most importantly – I just felt God’s touch on my heart to do it. It’s not anything I can put into words other than just a peace-filled assurance that I was moving in the right direction. Secondly, we lost my beloved Dad to a blood cancer called multiple myeloma in December of last year. He, along with my mom, has been my biggest cheerleader when it comes to my blog and all the opportunities that have come from that in the last seven years. He always said he knew I’d write a book one day, and this seemed like a great chance to honor him and help authors at the same time ❤

SHERIDA: Now as you reflect back on the process of writing and publishing Gatekeepers, what surprised you during the experience?

CARRIE: How HARD it is! Haha! I have a new respect for authors and the labor of love it is to put words on a page and then get those words from rough draft to published page. Along with all the ‘extras’ that need to be done to launch a book baby out into the world. The work does not stop when you’ve finished writing the book, and while I knew that on one level now I definitely know it from experience!

SHERIDA: Congratulations of the release of your book, Carrie! Thank you for kindly answering my questions. Those times when God directs our paths are treasured moments. You made the right decision to go forward with writing your book. Your Dad is smiling…..as is Bonnie. Hugs!



Before you read about Getting Past the Publishing Gatekeepers, grab a special almond Kringle, which I picked up on a recent trip to Seattle…..and of course a Diet Coke (or two) to cancel out those calories. *wink, wink*


Remember when Dorothy finally reached the Emerald City only to be halted by the Gatekeeper, blocking her hopes of seeing the Great and Powerful Wizard?

The path to publication is like that. Agents, and Editors, and Publishers, oh, my! Each one is a barrier between you and a publishing contract. 

But what if you understood what agents, editors, publishers, and readers really want? 

If you’re struggling to get past the publishing gatekeepers, this book will give you a behind-the-scenes peek at how to win the heart of each type of publishing professional. In fact, Getting Past the Publishing Gatekeepers won’t just give you a peek—it will give you a guided tour. In this book, four publishing professionals—an agent, a publisher, an editor, and an influencer—share what it takes to unlock each “gate” within the publishing industry. 

Getting Past the Publishing Gatekeepers is a must-have resource for all aspiring authors, and it offers insights to help multi-published authors as well.

What can you find specifically in Carrie’s section WINNING THE HEARTS OF READERS?

From Carrie: “I love that Getting Past the Publishing Gatekeepers doesn’t only address issues and questions that aspiring authors might have – I get to continue the conversation for published authors with topics such as:

  • where to find readers of your type of book 
  • prioritizing your focus instead of trying to promote in all the places
  • how to determine which influencers truly want to help & which influencers are only in it for the free books
  • how (and how not) to approach influencers
  • what makes readers try a new-to-them author
  • the importance of cover, blurb, and author website must-haves in making a good first impression on readers
  • how to make word-of-mouth work for you
  • the importance of community in reader engagement
  • why your story matters”


If you’d like more information about Carrie, please check out her blog and website.

Carrie Schmidt is an avid reader, book reviewer, story addict, KissingBooks fan, book boyfriend collector, and cool aunt. She also loves Jesus and THE Story a whole lot. Carrie started the popular blog ReadingIsMySuperPower.org in 2015 and since then has had the honor of co-founding the Christian Fiction Readers’ Retreat and JustRead Publicity Tours. In addition to these endeavors, she is a regular contributor to Seekerville and has written for magazines such as RT Book Reviews and Christian Market. Carrie now lives in Georgia with her husband, though her roots range from East Tennessee to Central Kentucky and northern Illinois. You can connect with Carrie on ReadingIsMySuperPower.org, Facebook @meezcarriereads or @meezcarriewrites, and everywhere else social at @meezcarrie.

As Carrie describes herself in the introduction to her section of the book: “In addition to being an avid reader, I am a blogger, a reviewer, a !rst reader, an influencer, a contest judge, a speaker, a conference coordinator, and a publicity tour company founder. In a nutshell, I get to live, breathe, and sleep books. (Is there any better pastime??)”

And is there any better person to point you toward the keys to unlock the hearts of readers?

Carrie, thank you for answering my questions and super congratulations on the release of your book baby!

Thank you, my friends, for joining me today for a #teatime interview! What are your thoughts about touching readers’ hearts?

With blessings and prayers,


*Comments are appreciated and will appear after moderation. I apologize for delays in posting.

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Author: Sherida Stewart

Inspirational romance author and Christian blogger

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